Destiny 2 Xur Location and Exotic items reveal for July 12 as Bungie release the Bad Juju (Pic: BUNGIE)
Welcome back, Destiny 2 players. We hope that the select few who were away at GuardianCon last week had a great time in Orlando, Florida. Based on the pictures from the most recent 'This week at Bungie' blogpost, it sure looks like it was fun.
Even with Con complete, Bungie still had plenty in store for fans this week, starting with the release of moments of triumph, and ending with the release of Destiny 1 exotic, Bad JuJu.
Read More – How to get Destiny 2 Lumina Quest.
And as if that wasn't enough excitement for one week, our good friend Xur is set to return later today, peddling his exotic wares.
The squid-faced exotic vendor will return to the game later today, ready to start dealing his exotic stock for guardians to purchase with their legendary shards, assuming that they spot something that takes their fancy that is.
As a reminder to anyone new to the game, Xur also started recently selling a new item, the isochronal engram. This new addition to the game grants players with one random Year 1 exotic they do not already own. So, for those wanting to know…
Where is Xur This Week?
Hold up, Guardians. The Destiny dyson of Legendary Shards hasn't woke from his eternal slumber just yet. And if you try searching for Xur right now – like, right this very second – you certainly won't be able to find him.
This isn't because he's got fantastic cloak that keeps him concealed. Nope, it's because the agent of the nine doesn't do mornings and won't be live in-game, just yet.
Once upon a time Xur used to arrive early, perhaps shortly after completing his paper route on Titan, but now he makes his welcome return in the evenings at 11am PST, 2pm EST, 6pm BST and 7pm CET.
When the Agent of the Nine does return to the game you'll find him hunched over and selling his stock in one of his usual haunts, which is split across the games many worlds and locations.
We can't give you a specific location just yet, because he randomly appears in a new location of his choosing every Friday. Although he's always in the same locations you've always found him on Titan, Io, Nessus, the European Dead Zone and the Tower.
Just remember, if you haven't played in some time that since the release of Destiny 2 Forsaken, he no longer displays a vendor icon on destination maps. So it's going to Read More – Source
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