The stars, who married earlier this month after a four-month engagement, are continuing to invite fans along on their journey."Marital bliss they say..," Chopra wrote on Instagram alongside a photo of her and her new husband.The couple have yet to take an official honeymoon but this picture says it all. This is one of many photos of Chopra and Jonas have shared in the past few weeks. The couple married in an extravagant wedding which consisted of a Christian ceremony on December 1 and a Hindu ceremony the following day. Chopra's hand-beaded and embroidered Ralph Lauren gown consisted of a 75-foot veil and her mother walked her down the aisle. Chopra shared the touching moment on Instagram."It was all tears. All tears," Chopra told People. "I could not hold it in. I think I was nervous and scared. But as soon as the curtains opened and I saw his face it was just like everything settled and I knew I was making the best decision of my life."Over the weekend the couple were spotted at the pre-wedding festivities of Isha Ambani, the daughter of India's richest man, Mukesh Ambani. Also in attendance were Beyonce and Hillary Clinton.

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