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PlayStation Classic - Sony's first console returns

PlayStation Classic – a bit of a let down

The evening Inbox is not convinced Skyward Sword remaster is a good idea, as one reader has trouble with Red Dead Online on Xbox.

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Classic mistake

The PlayStation Classic has turned out to be a real disappointment for me. I was so excited when they first announced it and even the reveal for the initial games seemed pretty good until I started to think about it more and realised how many obvious games were missing.

But this stuff about using PAL versions for games is much worse than I realised. Although if that means theyre selling the same hardware in America at least that means they get to see how bad we had it for so many years. Although as I understand its not quite as bad as real 50Hz, just a nasty hodgepodge between the two.

To be honest I hope they dont do the Classic Mini N64 either. Theyll never be able to get all the games we remember and I dont see the point of doing it half-assed. Thats obviously not the way Sony feels but that is not the way I want to remember the good old PS1. I think Ill just get my proper one down from the attic and see if it still works!

Real numbers

So add Battlefield V to the list of games that has underperformed, I guess? I dont see how anyone can claim that being 63% in two years is just down to digital downloads. That whole scene hasnt changed that much in that time, certainly not terms of price.

Everyone seems to have been down on the game since it was first announced though, so I guess that just adds up over time. Or rather doesnt add up to anything. I barely remember it being mentioned at E3 or Gamescom, just little trailer reveals here and there and not much of a buzz.

Of course you cant say anything for real until you do get to see those digital sales and Ill be fascinated to see the results when we do. I seem to remember they did a test run a few years ago and the best-selling game of the week turned out to be Everybodys Gone To The Rapture, of all things. I think that was in the summer, but even so…

First Breath

Im still not convinced that tweet was a hint of a planned Zelda Skyward Sword remake, and Im not even sure if its a good idea. I know GC praised the game upon release and have admitted that they feel it might not fare so well upon re-review, and I think Im in the same camp.

I mostly enjoyed my playthrough, although it definitely dragged on, and I felt that some of the dungeons were the best in the series. However, it wasnt really open world, and I felt that it took a step back in this regard. Skyloft was boring and the flying aspect wasnt as thrilling as if first appeared. I actually didnt have a problem with the motion controls, but there should have been an alternative on offer.

Now that weve had Breath Of The Wild I fear that Skyward Swords hand-holding and lack of exploration will further hamper the experience. Some things are best left in the past.

GC: It also had a very slow start as we recall, completely unlikely Breath Of The Wild. Strange to think it had exactly the same producer and director.



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Ultimately disappointed

Ive got the Ultimate Edition of Red Dead Redemption II on Xbox One and I havent been able to get online all day. Apparently theres some sort of problem even though the PlayStation 4 is working fine. Ill try and avoid any conspiracy theories about Sony having the marketing deal for the game but I dont see how Xbox Live is going to be any less reliable than PSN.

Hopefully I can get on later tonight at least because it does all sound great. It also sounds like something that is going to absolutely make Rockstar a mint. So thats probably good news for the production values on GTA VI!
Saint Dan

Animal noises

Thanks for all the letters and info about Persona 5! Im really starting to love it now that I understand how it works. Now my only problem is the annoying floaty green blur boarder in dungeons on an already unnecessary heavy interface.

RE: Mr Muggles. I too wasnt keen on killing the animals in Red Dead Redemption II, especially the Legendary Moose. He was so majestic. The sound they make when you put an arrow through their head was heartbreaking, more so than the ending of the game! (Im a meat eater but emotions are a strange thing.)
PS: GC, have you considered you dont get many letters because the Underbox is like the IGN comments… Only, full of boring old men instead of 12-year-olds that dont like other people expressing their opinions?

GC: All comment sections are like that, thats why the Inbox is so different. The number of letters we get in goes up and down to no obvious pattern, weve never understood it.

Cant be bothered

Was reading your PlayStation Classic review and noted that you had queried why Sony hadnt bothered to release a version of WipEout with an alternative soundtrack.

Well, heres the answer for you, Sony is using an open source emulator to play the PlayStation games on the machine.

Who said emulators are bad?

GC: Were not sure what thats got to do with it, other than a general indication of the laziness of the project.



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Worth the wait

I also took advantage of PlayStation VR deals over the last couple of weeks. I jumped early and went for the £179.99 deal at Argos with a copy of Astro Bot just over a week ago. It just felt like the right time to make the purchase, what with so many good games being released. To be honest I have been itching to try the X-Wing VR mission in Star Wars: Battlefront II ever since GC reviewed it but havent had the opportunity.

I have an original PlayStation 4 and was concerned that I really needed a Pro model to get the best out of it. I neednt have worried, it is an amazing piece of equipment and runs just fine for my needs.

Ive only had the quickest of looks at Astro Bot (usually due to my two teenage sons playing it) and was blown away, the Super Mario 64 comparisons are spot on in terms of playing a game like this for the first time. The PlayStation VR Worlds games bundled with the headset are entertaining and a good place to get use to the VR experience.

As for the X-Wing VR mission, I can say it was most certainly worth the wait. It may be short but being a child of the 70s this feels like a childhood dream come true. The attention to detail in the cockpit is fantastic and love the fact you can look down and see yourself in a rebel pilots flight suit. It also made me smile when I found a button which turns on the targeting computer.

Being able to look out the side or top of your cockpit window to track a TIE Fighter is a fantastic feeling and it instantly feels like a natural thing to do. Im glad it has a lot of replay value. If you dont have this game and you have a VR headset I thoroughly recommend picking up a copy as soon as you can. CeX had it for £3 just a couple of weeks ago.

It feels like the sales of the headset have had a boost recently, I appreciate Sony will be focussing on new hardware, but I really hope they carry on supporting this great piece of equipment for the foreseeable future.

Inbox also-rans

Some of those choices on PlayStation Classic are just plain bizarre. Does even Japan care about Wild Arms? Of all the role-players they couldve done why that?

GC: Its no doubt because Sony publishes them in Japan.

I wonder if Shadow Of War was successful enough to get a sequel? It seemed to be in that sort of grey area where it was big but not that big. I liked it and itd be a real shame if the Nemesis System didnt get another outing.

This weeks Hot Topic

The subject for this weekends Inbox was suggested by reader stanley71, who asks what do you think of the current generation of console so far?

The Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are five years old this month and both are expected to be superseded by next generation models within the next two years. So what do you think of them so far, in terms of their games, their hardware, and the changes theyve brought to the industry?

If you include the Wii U and Switch as well what do you think of the generation as a whole and is it better or worse than previous ones? How do you think it will be looked back on when all is said and done, and which companies have done the best and worst overall?

E-mail your comments to: [email protected]


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New Inbox updates appear twice daily, every weekday morning and afternoon. Readers letters are used on merit and may be edited for length.

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