A watercolour sketch by British sculptor Henry Moore has been identified among a hoard of Nazi art housed in Switzerland's Museum of Fine Art.

The sketch was among 1,500 works found in Germany in 2012 that had belonged to art dealer Hildebrand Gurlitt.

He bought the piece after it was confiscated from a German museum in the 1930s after it was classified as "degenerate art" by Adolf Hitler.

The sketch was discovered through the BBC One programme Fake Or Fortune?

During the show a document was found that proved the museum from which Moore's sketch was taken had received it from Moore himself, proving that the piece was not looted.

The sketch has been estimated to be worth up to £70,000 due to its rich and emotive history.

Image: Henry Moore is best known for his semi-abstract sculptures. This is Reclining Figure: Angels

It will be now be displayed in the museum in Bern.

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Moore, one of the most important British artists of the 20th century, is best known for producing semi-abstract bronze sculptures.

His pieces are displayed publicly around the world including London's Kew Gardens and outside the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

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