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The Banner Saga

The Banner Saga – only available digitally

GameCentral readers discuss how and where they buy their video games, whether its in shops, online, or digitally.

The subject for this weeks Hot Topic was suggested by reader msv858 who asked whether the majority of your purchases are digital or for physical discs and cartridges. If you still buy physically then where do you get them from and how do you make sure you get the best deal?

Although some people only did one or the other most admitted to buying a mix of physical and digital games, and increasingly more of the latter as shop deals get worse and online sales get better.

Changing times

Ive personally always bought physical copies of games. The main reason has always been because Ive managed to find physical copies cheaper from online retailers (Amazon usually) than their digital counterparts on the PS store. Although the differences in price for physical vs. digital games at launch doesnt seem to be that big these days, with most physical copies of games selling for £45 or above.

The fact that, up until recently, Ive only really been interested in AAA games and not indies has also contributed to this. Im a sucker for big budget games like any Zelda entry, The Last Of Us, Spider-Man, or anything by Rockstar, and so Ive never invested any time (or money) into indies.

However, nowadays I dont tend to get through games very quickly anymore, with work and other parts of life taking up more of my time, so I dont really make the most out of the resell opportunities you get with buying a game physically. Especially with my ever-growing backlog of games (Im currently playing both Zelda: Breath Of The Wild and The Witcher 3, which are huge blockers to clearing this!).

This, combined with reading the Inbox and GCs reviews for quality indie games, as well as the Switch seemingly being made for indies, has made me rethink my usual shopping habits. Now Im armed with a portable indie haven and am aware of games like Mark Of The Ninja, Hotline Miami, Undertale, and The Banner Saga trilogy (not sure if that last collection is an indie, actually?), Im definitely going to be making more digital purchases in the future.

I will on my Switch at least – I was an early adopter for the PlayStation 4 so Ive got a base model with only 500GB of memory, which is seemingly nothing now, based on the size of the download/patch needed for Red Dead Redemption II!

GC: The Banner Saga definitely counts as indie.

Your money back

I always buy my games on disc and use ShopTo. I cant see a reason to move to digital, the price difference is just insane if you like to buy your games on day one. I bought Spider-Man for £48 whereas the PS Store price was £54.99. Some people might say its only £7 difference but once I finished the game I went to CeX and got £40 cash, so it cost me £8 to play it.

Also, with Shadow Of The Tomb Raider I bought it day one for £39 from, finished it and got £36 back. Now if I had them digital I would of just deleted them and that would be that. But the money I got back has helped me get Assassins Creed Odyssey and Red Dead Redemption II.
Stuart Robinson

Why bother

Im not a fan of digital downloads. I dont like the idea of paying full price for a game without getting a physical copy. It feels like a con, games dont naturally come down in price in the same way and there is no resale value if you dont like it. The price of a physical copy includes other factors such as the shipping and manufacturing costs, so you are effectively paying more for less. You could argue that the price includes the convenience of instant access and removes the wait for delivery or the need to get to a shop but when, for example, FIFA 18 is £44.99 in the PlayStation store for a digital copy or £10 in CeX for a second0hand physical copy the price difference for me is far too much.

As for where I buy games, Im not bothered whether its first or second-hand, so I use the CeX website as a price guide and use the local shops stock as a way of rationing my game buying habits. Ill check on Amazon and the marketplace where you can, on occasion, find an absolute bargain. Ill also look on eBay and quite like a game bundle where my maximum bid will be set by what Im willing to pay for the games I want, making any extras effectively free and nothing more than a welcome bonus.

I still go into GAME but its been a long time since I bought anything, as the choice for PC and handheld, my main interest, has steadily got worse over the years, to the point where the last few times Ive left wondering why I bothered going in.

Incidentally, Ive recently added a PS Vita to my collection and Im considering downloading a few PS1 games and Id like to know what happens if you need to redownload a game that is no longer available and if youll require access to the store at all to play the game once Sony end support and therefore make the games unplayable.

GC: Hmm… were not sure but were sure a reader can help.



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Change of heart

I was really interested to see this as a Hot Topic as I have had a complete change of heart on this subject over the last year or so.

It first started with my buying a Kindle and accepting that the convenience of having one little device to read all my books on was both cheaper and more convenient than having shelves full of old books that I would never read again. Once I fully accepted the Kindle then I shipped all my old books off to a local charity shop.

Next up was using my iPhone for all of my music. Apple Music means that myself, my wife, and our son can have as much new music as we want (we have very different musical tastes), for what I consider to be a really reasonable cost.

I didnt really ever think that this conversion to digital would affect my video games as I cherish my collections of Saturn, Dreamcast, and N64 games, as well as others but over the last few months I have bought far more digital games for my PlayStation 4 and Xbox One than physical copies. Ive even bought an external hard drive for my PlayStation 4 and I will soon need to for my Xbox as well.

I really like the convenience (unbelievable laziness) of not having to change discs and also the fantastic sale prices often available but the real reason for me, as an older gamer, is that I really miss the independent video games shops where browsing through games was a true pleasure. Faced with the choice of buying online, from GAME, or from a supermarket (the last two of which I consider to be very unpleasant) I feel that I may as well buy a digital copy and sadly I cant imagine that this will ever change now!

At least I will cherish my retro games all the more though.

I cant see any way that the tide will ever turn back now!

Exceptions to the rule

Its interesting to hear different views on the physical vs. digital debate. Generally I buy all my games on disc so I can trade then in after towards a new game. However, I will buy digital sometimes…

Its a smaller/indie game which wont get a physical release. I know some people who refuse to buy these games as they dont see them as real games!

Impulse buying on a weekend when theres nothing on TV and the Mrs fancies watching/playing a new game even though I have a 300+ game backlog!

The cost of a download becomes less than the trade-in value of a game I own. That way I get to keep the game without it losing value if I havent got to it yet.

Sales! I cant resist a good digital sales! I find it hard to stop myself buying sale games on PSN nearly every week. So much so Ive had to create a rule that I only buy if I dont think the disc will become cheaper buy the time I get round to playing it. For example, BioShock collection is £11.99 and Prey is £9.99 at the moment in the Halloween sale but I think the discs will be cheaper by the time I get to them after finishing Red Dead Redemption II. Really had to stop myself yesterday!

Thats my twopence!

Keep up the good work GC!
smell_ya_l8r (PSN ID)
Currently playing: Rocket League, PES 2019, City: Skylines

Fake ownership

I buy the majority of my games online these days, mostly through eBay. Although Ive bought a few titles as digital downloads (notably the episodic Hitman) I still prefer physical media because I count it as real ownership.

Even if you lose your password or get your account hacked or whatever, if you actually own a physical disc theres a tangible guarantee there. If a game sits on your shelf at home youll always be able to use what youve paid for.

I dont think the high street is fairing well in this age of online choice and convenience. Id like to buy more games in real shops but the prices always seem to be higher and stores do tend to interrogate their customers at the till.

I still recall various annoying attempts at selling me up. One store (I forget which one) used to ask if I wanted to insure my game for extra money.

If the retailers could streamline or improve the high street experience somehow I think they could win back a lot of business. In the future I think that the move towards online-only commerce will backfire somewhat.

When people start to feel isolated theyll crave real human interaction again and theres nothing better than browsing through real game boxes in a real shop.
msv858 (Twitter)



Catch up on every previous Games Inbox here

Long-term rental

I buy the large majority of my games from a nearby pawn shop. They have some real bargains in there, some of which Ive questioned them on. For instance, I got Skyrim remastered a few weeks after release for £8 and asked (as Im painfully honest) if theyd mistakenly put the last gens price on it, but no it was the price as they had a lot of copies.

Ive had GTA V from there for £12 when it was minimum £30 everywhere else, and some modern rarities like the rarish Xbox 360 Spyro (for £2 if I remember correct) as well as loads of decent old-ish titles like Shadow Of War, Doom, Uncharted 4, The Last Of Us, etc. for a fiver or so. The most Ive paid for anything there was £14 for The Crew 2, and that was one to two weeks after release.

If I dont go there I use GAME or CeX in the city centre, both are pot luck though as a game can be twice the price as it was the day before depending on what silly deals they have on at the time. Like one day its £7.99, the next itll be in the 2 for £30 section – you really have to be in those shops at the right time to get a bargain.

I dont buy anything I plan on playing a lot digitally, unless its dirt cheap. Im still old school and like my games in boxes. Ill never ever pay more than £15 for a digital title and the day physical copies are no longer available Ill probably quit modern gaming completely but still have my collection of 8,000+ boxed games worth a small fortune, rather than a massive digital library worth diddly squat. I like to own things I buy and have an option to sell them on or gift them to friends with less disposable income, not feel like theyre a long-term rental and Ive been taken for a mug by publishers.

When it comes to digital games I think of my Dreamcast collection. I have at present 193 Dreamcast games, all boxed (99% of the boxes broken, as was the Dreamcast games way) and Im on my sixth/seventh Dreamcast console as theyre prone to breaking down very easily. If those games had been digital, Id have lost access to playing them all a decade ago at least – thousands of pounds worth of games gone forever. This will happen to people with large PlayStation 4 digital collections in the future. Once your second PlayStation breaks – or they close servers or remove the game, you wont ever be able to download the games you supposedly own ever again, or sell them when theyre worth a bomb, or lend them to friends, etc., etc.

A great example of a digital vs. physical collection and why I generally dont buy digitally is my fiancés son. He had 300 or so PlayStation 4 games according to his PSN profile and all but one were digital – the only physical copy he owned was Uncharted 4 that came with the console.

He tried selling it around June/July to CeX to fund an iPad purchase for uni and he got offered something silly like £85, even though theyd seen themselves all the games on the hard drive. I have roughly 350 boxed games on my PlayStation 4, including about 120-150 that he himself had. After an hour or so on the CeX Android app, adding things to the sale basket, Id accrued a total of £1,900 trade-in value if I were to go sell it all in person, and about £1,600 in cold hard cash – either way enough to get three to six iPads, and I still had at least a hundred games to add that I really couldnt be bothered to.

Ill never forget the gutted look on his face when the realisation hit him how much money hes thrown away over the years. He got £300 for it eventually, selling it on Gumtree purely by listing all the digital games in the library and not deleting his PSN account. Its a Far Cry from nigh on two grand though, which it would have been worth if his games were boxed. He now owns an Xbox One X and hasnt bought a digital game since to my knowledge (although he does sub to that pass thingy) but at least with that you KNOW youre renting, not being fooled into thinking you own it forever.
Lost Sock


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