President Trump's new press secretary Stephanie Grisham ended up with bruises after she was involved in a scuffle with North Korean security guards.

The officials physically tried to stop members of the US press pool from entering a room where Mr Trump and the North's leader Kim Jong Un were meeting.

The two leaders were talking inside Freedom House in South Korea after initially shaking hands on the border in the demilitarised zone (DMZ) as Mr Trump became the first serving US president to step foot inside the North.

Image: Stephanie Grisham pictured as the incident unfolded

In the melee outside the room, reporters were pushed and shoved by Mr Kim's guards – and among those roughed up was Ms Grisham, who was trying to get the US media inside.

She was filmed being jostled by the officials.


A number of female voices could be heard saying: "Go. No, let go. Let me out here."

The US Secret Service then stepped in to intervene.

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Stephanie Grisham
Image: Ms Grisham has recently been appointed as the White House press secretary

CNN's Allie Malloy claimed Ms Grisham was seen on camera pushing back North Koreans who were blocking the US press and she shouted "go! go!" as she opened a path for US reporters to cover the meeting.

CNN correspondent Jim Acosta tweeted: "New WH press secretary Stephanie Grisham got into a scuffle with the North Koreans to move members of the WH press pool into position to cover Trump and Kim, I'm told. Grisham was a bit bruised."

Bloomberg reporter Jennifer Jacobs tweeted: "To add to madcap day at DMZ, the North Korean security was a little overzealous, at times trying to block US reporters' view.

"New WH press secretary Stephanie Grisham threw Read More – Source

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