Streamer Ninja next to the Z Event for which he donated a lot of money to help charity

A generous amount was donated by streamer Ninja during the Z Event (Picture: Mixer) (Picture: Z Event)

Ninja put his money where his mouth is by donating €26000 (£23,000) to the French streaming Z Event, for charity helping it exceed its target of €3 million ( £2.7 million).

The popular streamer, who is also known as Tyler Ninja Brevin, supported the French charity event known as the Z Event with the significant sum this weekend.

The project which was live streaming since 20 September was due to end on 23 September and Ninja stepped up to the plate with his donation.

Ninjas donation gave fuel to the event once more, as viewers and participants were sent into a frenzy of jubilation.

The event donates all money this year to charity Institut Pasteur, which is a no-profit organisation in France that works on medical research and vaccines.

TROIS MILLIONS !!!!!!! #ZEvent2019

— ZeratoR (@ZeratoRSC2) September 22, 2019



The Z Event reached their goal of €3 million a day before it ended, with the help of donations all over the world that all rallied to help this charity.

The event had over 50 streamers taking part with over 500,000 people taking part at one point.

At the end of the stream, they earned a whopping €3.9 million (£3.5 million).

More: Gaming

The French president Emmanuel Macron tweeted about the success of the event and congratulating everyone who took part.

55 gameurs français viennent de lever le temps dun week-end plus de 3 millions deuros au profit de linstitut Pasteur.
Vous êtes inspirants et vous nous démontrez que tout est possible pour soutenir une cause pour laquelle on croit. Bravo #ZEvent2019 !

— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) September 22, 2019

55 French gamers have just raised over a weekend more than 3 million euros for the benefit of the Pasteur Institute, you arRead More – Source