Pokemon GO Field Research is set to change this evening as the game prepares to leave behind the November Field Research and rotate everything for the new December Field Research.
For those new to the game or unsure how this works, here's the skivvy.
When players spin PokeStops they collect field research with each PokeStop offering a random field research quest that changes every day.
By completing field research players earn rewards, with everything from random Pokemon encounters, to Pokeballs and berries.
If players complete seven of these they then unlock a field research breakthrough, for the chance to capture an extra special pokemon. In the case of past months, this has taken the form of Legendary Pokemon or rare pokemon like Snorlax.
So now you have your quick catch up, keep reading for everything you need to know about December Field Research!
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December Field Research Start Times
Niantic hasn't provided any clues on the theme for the December field research, although typically it will focus on a specific type. For instance, November was bug themed!
Although the new Research Breakthrough has been revealed in a post which read:
Field Research in December brings some previously featured Pokémon back into the spotlight! Every time you reach a Research Breakthrough during the month, youll have a chance to encounter Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Raikou, Entei, or Suicune!
The new Pokemon Field Research and Research Breakthrough should go live today, December 1st at 1PM PDT, which for anyone in the UK, is 8PM GMT, tonight!
If you've been holding onto your Field Research Breakthrough, make sure not to open it until after 8PM GMT this evening for your chance to encounter one of the aforementioned Legendary Pokemon as early as possible.
December Field Research Quests
The December Field Research Quests have not been confirmed yet. However, there are one or two which never change every month which we can be fairly certain will return again this evening.
It's equally unclear what new Shiny Pokemon will be available this month, given that Niantic normally adds a new shiny Pokemon to the game every month.
In November, it was Catapie and the month before Growlith, so we should see another in December.
Likewise, the 'Catch 5 XXX-type Pokemon' is normally the quest reserved for this specific new shiny pokemon, so be on the watchout for that field research task when spinning stops.
Stay tuned for further updates in the coming hours.
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