Stunning pictures of a rare total eclipse that blocked out the sun above Chile and Argentina have been captured by a satellite orbiting the moon.

Thousands of people – including tourists, locals and astronomers – gathered to see the solar spectacle earlier this week, with the two South American countries the only inhabited locations from where it could be soon.

Many more around the world watched live streams to see the eclipse, which occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the Earth and blocks the sunlight.

Chile plunged into darkness

During the two-minute long event, a Chinese lunar satellite managed to snap some images from an incredible angle and they were downloaded by telescopes in Beijing and the Dutch town of Dwingeloo.

They showed the Earth peeping up from behind the surface of the moon, with a circular portion of the planet – covering both countries and an uninhabited South Pacific atoll – covered by shadow.


Solar eclipse as seen from the La Silla European Southern Observatory (ESO) in La Higuera, Coquimbo Region, Chile, on July 02, 2019
Image: The eclipse was watched by people online all over the world

Astronomers reacted in awe to the pictures, which were captured by a tiny camera on-board DSLWP-B.

The radio satellite – weighing a modest 47kg – was launched into space in May last year.

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