Investigator Mario Herrera, a 23-year veteran of the Lincoln Police Department, was attempting to serve a second-degree assault warrant related to a March homicide when he was shot August 26, the department said in a Facebook post."Despite skilled and determined medical care, as well as the thoughts, prayers, and support of his family, friends and community, he succumbed to his injuries. Investigator Herrera's valiant fight ended as he passed away in the early morning hours of September 7th, 2020," the post said.Herrera, whose age was not given, leaves behind a wife and four children."The Lincoln Police Department is devastated by the loss of one of our most outstanding police officers. Mario was an exceptional investigator, a selfless teammate, and a tireless public servant," the post said. "Empathetic, kind, and utterly committed to serving victims and protecting his community, Mario was an exemplary human being who just happened to be a Lincoln police officer."In a separate post, the police department said a procession involving several agencies would bring Herrera back to Lincoln frRead More – Source
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