Yonel Hernandez Velasco/Placer County Sheriff's Office/Mug Shot
11:44 AM 04/12/2018
A father in California caught a man allegedly attempting to kidnap his 3-year-old daughter and left him with a bloody face.
The mans daughter was playing at a park outside of Sacramento, Calif., while her mother and the mothers boyfriend were walking their dog nearby. Yonel Hernandez-Velasco, 26, allegedly walked up to the girl, grabbed her hand and began “skipping” away with her, The Sacramento Bee reported.
The mother then called the girls father, Fred Cantrell Jr., who lives across the street from the park. When he heard what was happening, he rushed over and confronted Hernandez-Velasco who was reportedly acting “aggressively.”
Hernandez-Velasco pulled out a pair of handcuffs, which he tried to use as brass knuckles, and began running at Cantrell Jr. The girls father immediately punched Hernandez-Velasco in the face, knocking him to the ground.
Hernandez-Velasco then got back up and charged Cantrell Jr. again, and was punched again. The second punch left Hernandez-Velasco on the ground until authorities arrived to the scene.
“He just looked at me like [shrugs] and I was like, Wow no big thing, huh bud? You just tried to kidnap my daughter,” Cantrell Jr., told
Hernandez-Velasco was taken to the hospital and charged with suspicion of kidnapping, attempted kidnapping, and assault with a deadly weapon. His bail was set at $1.2 million.
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