The week 6 challenges are now underway and players have seven new tasks to complete.
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This week includes eliminating opponents in Tilted Towers, dealing headshot damage and searching chests in Lonely Lodge.
New challenges are added each week and you need to complete at least four of them to claim the 5000XP reward.
All weekly tasks are available to complete until the end of season 5 so you still have time to go back and finish old challenges.
Week 6 challenges
Free Challenges
- Deal Headshot Damage to opponents
- Harvest building resources with a pickaxe
- Search where the Stone Heads are looking
Battle Pass Challenges
- Search Chests in Lonely Lodge
- Complete timed trials
- Minigun or Light Machine Gun Eliminations
- Eliminate opponents in Tilted Towers
How to complete the Stone Heads challenge
To complete this challenge players need to find all of the Stone Heads that are around the map and look at the direction they are facing to pinpoint where the Battle Star is.
We have circled all of the Stone Head locations in the map below showing the direction they are facing, and the blue circle shows where you need to go to find the Battle Star.
It is located in Salty Springs and if you head there and collect the Battle Star you have then completed the challenge.
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