(Picture: Blizzard Entertainment)

Hearthstones newest expansion pack comes out today with plenty of new cards for players to try out.

The theme of the new collection is being evil, as it brings together many of the games biggest villains.

It will be Hearthstones first-ever year-long story-line which will allow players to join the League of E.V.I.L by being villains in the game.

The new cards will include new mechanics and abilities including schemes, lackeys and twinspells.

Here is everything that you need to know about the Rise of Shadows and when you can get it.

(Picture: Blizzard Entertainment)

When is the Heartstone Rise of Shadows release time?

The new Hearthstone expansion arrives on Tuesday 9 April at around 6pm in the UK.

These are the full estimated release times –

North America: 9 April 10:00 PDT / 13.00 EST

Europe: 9 April 17:00 GMT / 18:00 BST

Asia: 10 April 02:00 KS / 01:00 CST

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What to expect in the Rise of Shadows expansion?

Rise of Shadows will provide a year-long story line for players to progress through with new quests and cards to use.

Some of the villains spotlighted in the new expansion include Dr. Boom, Madam Lazul and King Togwaggle.

New cards will include 1/1 minions known as Lackeys who have special battlecry abilities that can help strengthen the rest of your deck.

The collection will also include new spell cards known as Schemes that can build up in strength over time when they are in your hand, as well as twinspells that create copies of themselves after they are used.

The standard bundle of 50 packs will cost £44.99, while the mega bundle of 80 packs is available to buy for £69.99.

Players who pre-purchase a standard bundle will receive the Jewel of Lazul card back as well as a random LRead More – Source