In response to Eckard; ever since I was a child Ive been fortunate enough to have at least a computer and a console at the same time. I had an Amstrad CPC 464 along with a Sega Master System growing up.
Now my hangout in the basement consists of a Sega Master System 2, NES, Game Boy, Game Gear, Mega Drive, Sega Saturn, Amiga 1200, Xbox 360 S, PlayStation 3, Xbox One S, PlayStation 4 Slim, and a gaming PC.
They dont get much attention these days, as fatherhood has taken over. However, the retro consoles are very near and dear to me, as is gaming in general.
When I was going through a bad breakup and a bitter custody battle, something about firing up Alex Kidd In Miracle World, and hearing that theme song, made me feel that all would be well.
I met my current wife via gaming and have met many wonderful people in the world of gaming. Some Ive coRead More – Source