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What secrets will The Game Awards have in store?

The Game Awards – it should be an exciting night

The morning Inbox has a plan to make Metroid mainstream again, as one reader predicts Microsoft making a VR headset for the Xbox Two.

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Reveal fever

Really getting excited about The Game Awards now, this thing is getting bigger than E3 – at least for third party games. I dont know why it has to be so late or on such a weird day, why cut out the entire world audience that isnt America?

Apart from that though Im pretty hyped. Im really looking forward to some Dragon Age 4 news and Im interested to know what Obsidian are doing with their new game. (Im a role-playing fan, you can probably guess.) The Avengers should be interesting too and while I dont hold up much hope the new Alien game as well.

I was hoping wed finally be seeing some big budget DC games as well, but I guess not. Couldnt care less about Crash Team Racing but hopefully therell be plenty of other surprises too. Its a good way to round out whats been an odd year for gaming. But if theres one thing almost all gamers can agree on its the pleasures of a good reveal.

Battle Cry

A new Far Cry? Definitely didnt see that one coming for The Game Awards. Its only a teaser but the new Far Cry is probably going to be an extra embarrassment for Bethesda. First they had to come out just after Red Dead Redemption II and now they see someone else tackling what looks like the same setting. Even their own Rage 2 looks better than Fallout 76!

The only thing that could save them is if the new Far Cry isnt what we think it is. I could easily see it ending up as a Battle Royale game of some sort. There really werent that many buildings in Far Cry 5 so Im not sure how the map would end up looking in a post-apocalypse scenario. Ubisoft havent done a Battle Royale game yet though and with a giant-sized map already built… Id bet someone elses money on it being at least an option.

Dark Samus

I understand the concerns about where exactly Nintendo goes with Metroid Prime 4 but I think they need to establish the game as a proper sci-fi game with a mature storyline. Not gory or anything but something thats not too goofy. Thats the way Metroid Prime 3 was going and Id like to see it take a different tone like that.

You dont have to be dark to be mature, it just needs to be serious and have some kind of point to other than bad guy wants to kill good guys. They also need to establish Samus after the character assignation of Other M. It may seem heresy to some but Id give the suit a complete makeover. Keep the basics but make it look cooler and more practical.

If all thats a success then they can think about doing a more hardcore game thats third person, maybe even 2D, later down the line. This is Metroids big chance to become a major franchise and I think we have to accept a few compromises to make that happen.



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Return and save

I think this is only for Xbox One (because they have a marketing deal with them?) but if you own Battlefield 1 or 4 you can currently get 50% off Battlefield V as a returning customer. Jeez. The games only been out two weeks and theyre already resorting to this? There is definitely something funny going on with game sales this year and Id love to get to the bottom of it.

Or maybe its just Battlefield V. I dont know what it is about it that some people seem to hate so much but its reputation was dirt before it even came out. All that sexist stuff about women being in it cant surely have been the reason?

If youre wondering, I own the game and am perfectly happy that I paid full whack for it. Its a great game and Ive been playing it pretty non-stop. It could deal with more combat, sure, but its not that lacking and Ive no reason to believe there wont be plenty of free DLC. The way it plays though is peak Battlefield, I think fans are really missing out if they dont give it a go.

The right approach

Very interesting to see that VR sales chart. But I dont know if that means PlayStation VR is doing much better than expected or the PC headsets much worse. Either way its nice to see the format with the best games do well and I agree Sony should take this as proof that theyre taking the right approach and this is a tortoise and hare type situation.

Id also like to see Microsoft and Nintendo in the race, but the thought of having three different headsets already seems impractical. Where would you put them all?! I doubt Nintendo would make a console powerful enough to run one anyway, but Microsoft has got to have something up their sleeve. I think the rumour was an AR and VR combo, which sounds good but also expensive.

Its not like them to be caught out on new tech though, so I wouldnt be surprised if something was announced at the same time as the new console. Maybe VR is what could make Halo relevant again?

Time for a sequel

I doubt its the sort of thing theyd announce at The Game Awards but isnt it about time we started hearing about the follow-up to NieR: Automata? Its been out over a year now and was massively more successful than expected. If this was Ubisoft wed already be on the third sequel by now.

I have to say the games success was one of the best things about last years in game. I was kind of surprised it reviewed as well as it did, knowing how flawed the original NieR is, but to see it sell 3.5 million copies worldwide is kind of mind-blowing. Especially as the Xbox One version came out later and Microsoft gamers dont tend to like that sort of thing.

No idea what Id want from a sequel, I just know I want it to be something I would have never have predicted, just like Automata was to the original. I hope they keep Platinum on as the developer though, that worked out.

Unlimited power

If nothing else the new power in next gen consoles can be used for better performance in VR.

Its important to help drive VR forward, which I personally am looking forward to.

Also, I am looking forward to more powerful CPUs, which will allow better artificial intelligence in single-player games especially.

GC: Artificial intelligence is more of a software problem that it is hardware.



Catch up on every previous Games Inbox here

Surprise hopes

Really hoping that The Game Awards tonight has some big prices as its looking pretty promising so far. My biggest hope is that it doesnt all get leaked a few hours beforehand, which always seems to happen lately. I dont really understand why Ubisoft even did that teaser for Far Cry, couldnt they have just waited 24 hours? And if they did feel they needed to why give away the setting?

It almost seems pointless to complain about spoiling secrets nowadays though, as that almost seems like all the Internet is set-up for.

Personally Im hoping for a brand new game from Nintendo and/or a first look at Metroid Prime 4. Id also love to see Mortal Kombat XI if it really is a Shaolin Monks sequel, and Id love if Borderlands 3 was finally announced. Even if Gearbox do seem to be a pretty scummy developer, with some of the things that have come out over the years.

More than anything I just hope Im surprised by something, both because its not a sequel and it hasnt been spoiled beforehand.

Inbox also-rans

I picked up my PlayStation Classic yesterday. I chuckled in delight when I looked at the back of the box and saw what image was used for Metal Gear Solid – it was exactly what I had expected. Hope none of those first-time Metal Gear Solid players threw out the box!

I recently drank way too much Lucozade and as well as too much recycling, I now have 12 codes for yellow shadow band resource packs for Shadow Of The Tomb Raider on PlayStation 4. I dont own this game so Im passing them on to you guys to either give to one person or 12 individual people, the choice is yours. Ho ho ho!
Trailbreaker83 (PSN ID)

GC: Wow, Lucozade still do Tomb Raider promotions? Thats some nostalgia-inducing marketing. But thanks, well pass them on to anyone that wants them.

This weeks Hot Topic

The subject for this weekends Inbox was suggested by reader Preston, who asks what older game would you still like to see get a remake or remaster?

With games even as obscure as Toki now getting full-blown remakes, and following the huge success of Crash Bandicoot and Spyro The Dragon, we want to know what games you think still need to make a comeback and whether you think they could really be a hit again.

It can be any game from any era, even if theyve still got current sequels, but we want to know exactly what you would – and wouldnt – change about the game. How much would the graphics have to change and how outdated will the gameplay seem to modern gamers? And most importantly, do you honestly think itll ever happen?

E-mail your comments to: [email protected]


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New Inbox updates appear twice daily, every weekday morning and afternoon. Readers letters are used on merit and may be edited for length.

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