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Fallout 76

Fallout 76 – Xbox One owners get the first look

Xbox One owners will get to play the Fallout 76 B.E.T.A. a whole week before the PS4, as the games intro video is also released.

Bethesda has announced that the B.E.T.A. (Break-It Early Test Application) for Fallout 76 will start on Tuesday, October 23 for Xbox One owners. But youll have to wait until Tuesday, October 30 if youre on PlayStation 4 or PC.

Microsoft has a marketing deal with Bethesda for the game, so youll notice its the Xbox that is splashed all over the in-game intro video below – with almost no mention of the PlayStation 4.

In order to access that beta youll need to pre-order the game, which wont be released until November 14. Theres more information on Bethesdas B.E.T.A. FAQ if you want to know more.

Fallout 76 is Bethesdas first multiplayer Fallout game but very little of it has been seen in public so far. The idea is that its an online-only survival game where there are no computer-controlled characters – only fellow players.



Bethesda has been one of many companies voicing their support for cross-play multiplayer between the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, but despite Sonys U-turn on Fortnite theyve admitted that Fallout 76 will not include cross-play at launch.

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Judging by the comments of Bethesdas Pete Hines the game may never get cross-play at all, or if it does itll be sometime well after launch.

It was actually digital collectible card game The Elder Scrolls: Legends that Bethesda was most keen to get cross-play working on, so if there is an annoucement to come itll probably be for that first.

Folks, chill. I work with a lot of devs and games for whom this is important going forward.

Fallout 76 does not support crossplay, for a number of reasons. I have no idea if it ever will. But I assure you it is not on our radar right now as we focus on B.E.T.A. and Launch.

— Pete Hines (@DCDeacon) September 26, 2018

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