The Austin-Bergstrom International Airport tweeted Thursday that a person was struck and killed by a landing aircraft."An obviously deceased adult male was located with trauma" by responders, a spokesperson for the Austin Police Department said in a statement emailed to CNN on Friday.The victim was pronounced dead at 8:41 p.m., according to the statement."FAA investigators are on their way to the site and will assist the Austin Police Department and other officials in determining whether the aircraft struck the victim," the FAA said in a statement.The agency said that according to preliminary information, the pilot of Southwest Airlines Flight 1392 reported seeing a person on the runway after it touched down at 8:12 p.m. local time Thursday.In a statement, Southwest Airlines said the "aircraft maneuvered to avoid an individual who became visible" on the runway after the plane landed. "The aircraft quickly came to a safe stop, and the pilots reported the event to local air traffic contrRead More – Source
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