The EU's competition regulator is to investigate the use of sellers' data by Amazon – the latest big multinational firm to face pressure over exploitation of customer information.

The world's largest retailer has the been the subject of a call for evidence since last year into its dual role as a marketplace for merchants and as a competitor.

Independent sellers who use the platform have complained of harm caused by Amazon copies of their products.

Amazon said it would co-operate fully with the European Commission's inquiry which is to focus on two main issues.

Image: Competition commissioner Margrethe Vestager is leading the investigation

The first covers Amazon's standard agreements with marketplace sellers and the second is its use of data in choosing winners of the "buy box", which allows consumers to add items from a specific retailer directly into their shopping carts.


Competition commissioner Margrethe Vestager, said: "E-commerce has boosted retail competition and brought more choice and better prices.

"We need to ensure that large online platforms don't eliminate these benefits through anti-competitive behaviour."

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The investigation was announced shortly after the US-based company announced a deal with German regulators toRead More – Source

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