Andrew Kerr | Investigative Reporter

  • D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, a Democrat, hasnt responded to multiple requests for comment about the mob that issued threats and damaged property outside Fox News host Tucker Carlsons house on Nov. 7.
  • D.C. police are actively investigating the mobs actions as a “suspected hate crime” with “anti-political” motivations.
  • Bowser came under fire in April for failing to fire a political appointee who partook in a rally where a Nation of Islam representative hurled anti-Semitic insults at a D.C. Council member.

District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser is remaining tight-lipped about the left-wing mob that issued threats and damaged property outside Fox News host Tucker Carlsons house on Nov. 7.

Bowser has failed to respond to multiple requests for comment by The Daily Caller News Foundation about the incident, which D.C. police are currently investigating as a “suspected hate crime” with “anti-political” motivations.

Bowser, a Democrat, came under fire in April for failing to take action against one of her political appointees, Joshua Lopez, who held a microphone for a Nation of Islam representative at a rally while he hurled anti-Semitic insults at D.C. Council member Elissa Silverman, a Democrat, and referred to Jews in general as “termites.”

District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser speaks at press conference on June 15, 2017 in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)

The mayor released a statement following the rally that her political appointee needed “to apologize and make it abundantly clear that he denounces all hateful comments,” but she didnt call for his resignation. Lopez resigned from his post a few days after the rally.

Last Wednesdays mob, organized by the Antifa group Smash Racism DC, descended on Carlsons house on Nov. 7 and called him a “racist scumbag” and demanded he flee the city. Carlson, a co-founder of The Daily Caller News Foundation, was at the Fox News studio when the mob arrived at his home. (RELATED: DC Police Investigating Mobs Protest At Tucker Carlsons House As Suspected Hate Crime)

Carlson said his wife, who was home alone at the time, thought she was the victim of a home invasion.

An anarchy symbol was spray painted on Carlsons driveway and signs referencing his political affiliation were left on vehicles parked in the driveway and on his front door, according to a police report obtained by TheDCNF.

Approximately 20 people were outside Carlsons house when police arrived on the scene, according to the report. Its unclear why none of the participants of the mob were arrested at the scene.


Vilonet progressives:

– Attempted to bust down Tuckers door
– Vandalized his house
– Vandalized his driveway
– Vandalized his car
– Political messages left on cars & door
– Police classifying as hate crime

— Benny (@bennyjohnson) November 8, 2018

“There is no further information available as this case remains under investigation,” Metropolitan Police Department spokeswoman Alaina Gertz told TheDCNF when asked for an update on the investigation.

It also remains unclear who partook in the doxxing and mobbing of Carlsons house, but it appears that Smash Racism DC began planning the action more than a month ago.

Carlsons home address, along with the addresses of TheDCNF co-founder Neil Patel, Fox News host Sean Hannity and other conservative media personalities, was first made public on a public-facing Pastebin document posted in late September.

“Do not post this on social media, plan,” stated the Pastebin document, which has now been deleted.

Smash Racism DC co-founder Mike Isaacson, who appeared on Carlsons Fox News show in 2017, also wrote on his blog on Nov. 8 that an active member of the group notified him that the personal information of Carlson and other “far right personalities” had been obtained.

I havent worked with Smash Racism DC in three years but support their actions. Thanks for playing.

— Mike Isaacson (@VulgarEconomics) November 8, 2018

Isaacson wrote that he hasnt worked with Smash Racism DC for three years, but he wrote that he “probably should have seen [the protest] coming” and referred to the groups active members as his “comrades.” (RELATED: The Mob That Doxxed Tucker Carlson Is Already Back On Twitter)

Smash Racism DCs Twitter account was banned on Nov. 7 for posting tweets containing Carlsons home address. The group attempted to open up a new Twitter account, which was suspended Wednesday after The Daily Caller reported its existence.

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