Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerbergs meeting with MEPs on Tuesday will be livestreamed, according to a tweet by European Parliament President Antonio Tajani.

The decision marks a turnaround from previous plans, with Zuckerberg originally expected to hold closed-door meetings with leaders of Parliaments political groups and selected MEPs. The secrecy of the meeting prompted widespread criticism from MEPs, policymakers and the public.

“I have personally discussed with Facebook CEO Mr Zuckerberg the possibility of webstreaming meeting with him,” Tajani said on Twitter. “I am glad to announce that he has accepted this new request.”

The one-hour-fifteen-minute meeting will start at 6:15 p.m. Brussels time on Tuesday, and is expected to focus on the recent Facebook scandal, which saw roughly 2.7 million Europeans have their online data potentially misused by a third-party app on the social network.

“Were looking forward to the meeting and happy for it to be livestreamed,” Facebook said in a statement.

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