When you meet and greet other people, the first thing they see is your face.

Depending on how you feel and the circumstances of the meeting, you may be smiling, laughing, frowning, or portraying some other facial expressions. Without using words, you are letting people know how you feel at that moment.

But what does your face say about your health?

Your Face and Your Health

Your face can reveal a lot about whats going on inside your body. According to the ancient art of face reading (Mien Shiang), its possible to know whats going on inside the body by studying the face, if you know what to look for.

Here are 13 messages your face could be sending you about your health.

Brown patches: These patches may be triggered by birth control pills, hormone therapy, or pregnancy. In some cases, they may be associated with thyroid problems or stress.

Cheek breakouts: If you experience discoloration or patchiness on your cheeks, you may be experiencing a problem with poor metabolism or poor absorption of folic acid or iron. Another possibility is poor lung function and shortness of breath, so pay attention to your breathing.

Chin and jawline breakouts: Skin issues in these areas could be a sign of a hormone imbalance. Sometimes women who didnt have acne as a teenager develop this problem as an adult. It tends to be worse during menstruation, stress, and menopause.

Cracked lips: Both hot and cold weather can cause cracked, dry lips, and they can be treated with lip balms. However, cracked lips also can be a sign of dehydration or a reaction to a medication, such as steroids.

Fine white hairs: This condition has a name—hypertrichosis lanuginosa—and is characterized by excessive fine white hairs that typically develop on the face. These hairs are sometimes called a “malignant down” and are a sign of internal malignancy, especially colon and lung cancers.

white hair
white hair
What we can see on the outside of our body/skin, may be an indication of something that is going on on the inside and so we should pay attention to any changes. (Shutterstock)

Hair loss: If you are losing your eyelashes or eyebrows, as well as patches of hair on your head, it may be a sign of alopecia areata. This is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks the hair follicles.

Moles: These bumps or spots on the skin are typically dark brown to black and harmless. However, if they portray certain characteristics, you should have them checked. Are they asymmetrical, jagged around the border, uneven in color, larger than a pea, or change in appearance? Time to check in with your doctor.

Puffy eyes: Most of us think of puffy eyes as being a sign of not getting enough sleep, and thats one cause. But puffy eyes also can be an indication of eating too much salt or undergoing hormone changes. Simply getting older is also a cause because the muscles that support the eyelids grow weaker. Puffy lower eyelids may indicate impaired kidney function.

Sores: Outbreaks of one or more sores around the lips and mouth are usually cold sores, which are associated with type 1 herpes virus. Although they can be unsightly, they usually go away on their own and arent serious. Cold sores typically appear when we are stressed, sick, or fatigued.

Unexplained darkening or tanning of the skin: If you havent been exposed to the sunlight yet have tan or darkening skin, it could be a sign of Addisons disease. This condition is characterized by underactive