A reader offers up his own ideas on what Battlefield V couldve been, from a purely underwater setting to steampunk.
Now that Battlefield V is sort of out, depending on how much youre willing to pay for it, I think its pretty obvious that a lot of people just dont care. Ive considered myself a Battlefield fan in the past but while I will get it Ive not felt anything like the hype for it I have before.
The stupid release date is part of it, but so to is the general lack of new ideas and the WWII setting. I know Battlefield started in WWII, and its been a while since it was back there, but it just makes the game look like even more like a minor upgrade from Battlefield 1. Especially as I can already tell I cant be bothered with the story campaign, which sounds so anti-Battlefield.
So Ive come up with five ideas I think wouldve been better than just WWII. I dont know how good they are but they all wouldve had me a lot more interested in the game than what we got.
1. Modern Day
Seems kind of obvious but it has been a long time now since DICE has done a realistic modern day shooter, and theres generally a lot less of them around nowadays so it wouldve seemed a lot more unique than WWII. Theres a line of thought, that I totally get, that says that Battlefield has to be realistic and grounded, and if you agree with that then I think modern day is long overdue (Im also willing to bet the next game will be Bad Company 3).
2. Steampunk
I remember when the leaks came out about Battlefield 1 that some people though the odd box art meant an alternative history or steampunk game. And I cant help thinking thats actually more interesting than what we got. Steampunk is basically the idea that in the late 19th century the world invented advanced, almost modern day technology, but everything was based on steam. So you still have tanks and guns and things but they look really different and cool and there are things like electricity guns and such like. If Battlefield did go fantasy I think this would be the absolute best way to start it off.
3. Sci-fi
DICE has tried this before with the quickly forgotten Battlefield 2142, and of course they have Star Wars: Battlefront as well, but I still think theres a place for a realistic, grounded science fiction shooter. The sort of thing I imagined Infinite Warfare to be before it got obsessed with the spaceships and jetpacks and everything. Im imagining Aliens but with just the Colonial Marines, not the aliens. So youd have advanced tech and a realistic portrayal of space travel, but no jetpacks or stupid stuff. Have a proper story about rebelling colonists (Infinite Warfare also messed that up) and robots to some degree but based on actual science.
4. Underwater
This was kind of inspired by the Aquaman trailers, and while I doubt the movie will be any good I have always been fascinated by how little we know about what makes up the majority of the Earths surface. Itd be easy to imagine some sort of post-global warming style storyline that would have everyone living underwater and fighting in submarines and scuba gear. Again, you wouldnt need to have to invent crazy creatures or anything to make it fun, because youd be moving around kind of like you were flying and that would be a real difference all on its own. I also think the Avatar sequel also has a mostly underwater setting, so that could make this seem like an even better idea.
5. Fantasy
These least likely idea and to be honest Im not even sold on this one but it would be interesting to see what DICE would do with wizards and orcs and such like. They could still have guns and the like, maybe a bit like how Fable III handled a more technically advanced fantasy world, but thered also be magic and fantasy creatures to ride. Im thinking basically Warhammer as a first person shooter, but I doubt theyd pay for the licence. But something like that would still be more interesting than just WWII again.
By reader Dieflemmy (gamertag/PSN ID/NN ID)
The readers feature does not necessary represent the views of GameCentral or Metro.
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