The social and economic impact of mass emigration can be very significant. This is especially true in poor regions of the world where the problem of finding a decent livelihood can be very difficult. Moreover, in advanced countries, there can be persistent unemployment even when the economy is doing well.
As it pertains to the job market, immigration has been shown to have a small positive effect on the wages of natives, including unskilled workers without a college degree. In flexible sectors, this effect will dissipate over time. However, in rigid industries, it will have a negative effect.
One way to quantify the impact of immigration is to estimate the fiscal impact of all migrants on the economy. There are three main approaches to measuring this. These are the accounting approach, the dynamic model and the simulated effect.
Although the most recent literature on the topic is rather thin, some studies have provided insights into the nitty-gritty of the fiscal impact of mass emigration. In particular, researchers have looked at the effects of migration on the economy as a whole, as well as on the specific attributes of a county.
Migration into low- and middle-income countries is typically used for seasonal or temporary reasons. The presence of immigrants within these countries has been analyzed for a variety of factors, including crime, civic participation, and average income. Interestingly, the counties that received the most immigrants had the same crime and civic participation rates as those that received the fewest.