Why hello there, GC. Ive been absorbed by The Last Guardian these past few weeks. Its a bold, unique experience with some of the most euphoric highs and frustrating lows in recent years. But overall it is a very ambitious experience that is going to linger in my memories for ages.

At the centre of it all is the majestically naturalistic cat/dog bird (?) Trico, whose behavioural patterns are absolutely fascinating. Patience is definitely a prerequisite in tolerating the giant graceful beasts often tenacious and capricious ways however.

I am extremely impressed, and occasionally exasperated, by the surplus of autonomy afforded to Trico. Its quite the triumph in artificial intelligence in gaming – in my estimation the most impressive AI in recent years, along with Alien Isolation, Zelda: Breath Of The Wild, and Metal Gear Solid V.

The emotional and mechanical synergy between the boy and beast was resonating with me something different. The way you negotiate the meticulously-crafted environments with Trico, and the alacrity in which it would literally leap to the boys defence, was frequently intuitive and inspired. Some of the later physics-based puzzles also border on genius. They really had the wow factor.

Now that Ive reached the end of the journey fraught with danger and teeming with adventure, I can conclude that Team Ico are three for three.

But I can definitely see why this game proved quite polarising, if I have to be honest: the admittedly cumbersome controls and camera had yet to coRead More – Source