On the topic of regulating loot boxes et al., I often see people bringing up Kinder eggs and collectible card games (like Steve did this morning).

I agree that there is a distinction to be made between all those things, and I honestly think its quite a simple one: when you open a Kinder egg you arent greeted with loud sounds, flashing lights, and other sensory factors that are specifically designed to give you a dopamine hit, but you do when opening lootboxes in games.

The feedback you get from opening lootboxes is intentionally designed to make you addicted to opening them, copying the design of things like slot machines in casinos.

I hope that the law does change and that it is worded in such a way that it focuses on the aspects of psychological manipulation, rather than whether or not there is an official way to cash out (which honestly always seems like a technicality.

The items do haveRead More – Source