Death Stranding - coming soon to PC?

Death Stranding – coming soon to PC?

The first hint may have dropped that Death Stranding is coming to PC, even if an Xbox version is still extremely unlikely.

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Eagle-eyed fans have noticed that PlayStation Australia no longer has Death Stranding in a list of PlayStation exclusives, stoking rumours that the game may shortly be announced for PC.

The page shows every current and forthcoming PlayStation 4 exclusive but while Death Stranding used to be listed it no longer is, as proven by fans on forum ResetEra.

The UK version of the page is laid out differently, and is less comprehensive in general, but it also doesnt mention Death Stranding. There doesnt seem to be any U.S. equivalent of the page.

Death Stranding box art

It doesnt say anything about PlayStation only here

The recently unveiled cover art has always been missing the Only on PlayStation logo, which seems to be another give away that itll appear on other formats at some point.



Unlike Microsoft theres usually never a PC version of a PlayStation 4 exclusive made by an internal Sony studio, but Death Stranding is by Hideo Kojimas own company – which may leave them free to make a PC version if they want.

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Whether the game is a permeant console exclusive or if its exclusivity is limited to a certain period of time has never been stated, which normally means an Xbox version would be possible in a year or sos time.

However, Sonys close relationship with Kojima over the game, which has included financial and techRead More – Source